Personal Touch, Service Key to Success for Judy’s Dolls
With over a decade’s worth of knowledge and experience in running Judy’s Dolls, I’ve discovered that the absolute most important thing in my field is to provide a personal touch. It’s essential that I understand my customers as the individuals that they are and that I cater to their needs. In my business, the personal touch goes beyond designing and crafting specific dolls for my customers. I want to able to accommodate my customers in every way possible, and that includes their preferred method of payment. As the years have gone by since I opened my shop in 1998, credit and debit card usage has skyrocketed among my customers and the population at large, and I’ve had to adapt to the changing landscape.
Choosing to accept electronic payments has had an indisputably positive impact on my bottom line and business as a whole. Shoppers in my store appreciate that I’m willing to let them pay with the method they prefer, and I believe that helps increase my sales. Furthermore, accepting card payments allows me to sell my dolls online, which has been a huge boon to my business.
When all is said and done, the reason my business succeeds is because I always look for the best ways to provide quality service for my customers, and a piece of that is accepting credit cards online and in person. I’m happy to make life easier for my customers, and I’m happy to see the benefits to my bottom line as well!
About the Author
Judy Putz is the owner of Judy’s Dolls, located in Longwood, FL. She has built and refined her reputation as a top-quality doll artist and connoisseur. Visit to learn more or find her on Facebook at
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