Accounting Managers Prefer Electronic Payments
As the accounting manager of a medical supplies and rental business, I know firsthand that accepting credit and debit cards is good for any business’s bottom line. With more than two thirds of transactions nationwide taking place with a credit, debit or gift card, your small business is missing out if you aren’t taking plastic.
At Best Solutions Medical Supplies and Rentals, about quarter of our sales come from plastic. Our business would not survive without electronic payments acceptance, as many of these customers would go elsewhere if we did not accept plastic.
Simply put, electronic payments acceptance gives our customers a better experience when they walk through our doors. Most of our customers have health issues to worry about, so we want to make payment as easy as possible for them. When we set up our customers with credit card payments, it makes the customer service experience seamless and convenient.
Accepting credit cards, in particular, also has many important advantages for our business. When a customer uses a credit card, it assures we receive timely payment. It also makes accounting much more efficient. For example, at Best Solutions Medical Supplies and Rentals, we depend on QuickBooks for our records. This software, like many similar programs, offers a link for accepting credit card payments. We also have an auto-pay account that immediately processes credit cards and automatically generates a receipt for the customer. These features, dependent on electronic payments, make the cost of the software well worth the convenience.
For all of these reasons—from happier customers to easier accounting—our business is thrilled to accept electronic payments. If you are a small business owner, I highly encourage you to take a few minutes on Community Merchants USA to learn more about how credit and debit cards can add value to your business too.